Macar (disambiguation)
- Macar
The son of Helios and Rhodos or, according to others, a son of Crinacus. After the murder of Tenages he fled to Lesbos.
In: Greek people - Macar
A son of Aeolus, who committed incest with his sister Canace, and, according to some accounts, killed himself in consequence.
In: Greek people - Macar
Macar of Neritus. A companion of Odysseus. He settled at Caieta, Italy, after their wanderings.
In: Greek people - Macar
Or Macareus, a son of Lycaon. The town of Macaria in Arcadia derives its name from him.
In: Greek people - Macar
The founder of Lesbos, was a son of Crineus and a grandson of Zeus.
In: Greek people - Macar
A Lapith, who at the wedding of Pirithous slew the centaur Erigdupus.
In: Greek people