Polydora (disambiguation)
- Polydora
The daughter of Meleager and Cleopatra. She was married to Protesilaus, and after his death she took her own life.
In: Greek people - Polydora
An Oceanid, one of the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys.
In: Greek mythology - Polydora
The mother of Idas and Lynceus.
In: Greek people - Polydora
One of the Danaides, a daughter of Danaus. She is the mother of Dryops by the river god Peneus, or by the river god Peneus.
In: Greek people - Polydora
One of the Amazons, the warlike race of females.
In: Greek people - Polydora
A daughter of Peleus and Polymele. She was a sister of Achilles and married Spercheus or Borus.
In: Greek people