Sagadé Uġuġun

The third spirit of Delquen Sagán Burkan, invoked for rain, good crops, and children. When they ask the gods for children they offer Sagadé Uġuġun twenty pots of tarasun; they pray in the yurta, tie a hair rope around the four posts, and hang wooden rattles (playthings) on them. These playthings are to persuade the child to come.

He has seven sons and seven daughters by Sanqaliń Qatĕń. Of the seven sons the eldest is Golói Qûn Shara Qúbun. The eldest daughter is Golói Qûn Shara Basagán. To these four, the sacrifice of a fat, harmless ram is made, and prayers are offered with libations of tarasun.


Sagadé Uġuġun, his wife, and their eldest son and eldest daughter are represented on a square piece of black felt, as well as a tiny infant which represents the infant that people ask for in their prayers. In the pockets below the little tin pieces which portray these spirits meat is placed as an offering.



  • Curtin, Jeremiah. (1909). A Journey in Southern Siberia. Boston: Little, Brown, pp. 118, 120.