Zúm Dishín Dirlún Tngri

The second spirit of Delquen Sagán Burkan, invoked for rain, good crops, and children. From him emerged the forty-four tngri. Of these, seven are very important. They are Gutár Baiń Tngri, the eldest; Qap Sagán Tngri; Togóto Baiń Tngri; Qásan Burún Qui Tngri; Galta Ulan Tngri; Qûng Germa Tngri; Qair Qur Tngri.

To the forty-four tngri offerings are made of tarasun, and thirty skins of various small animals — three rabbit skins, five skunk skins, three ermine skins, seven squirrel skins, six small kid skins, and the skins of six small he-goats.



  • Curtin, Jeremiah. (1909). A Journey in Southern Siberia. Boston: Little, Brown, pp. 118, 119.