
Among the Bagobo, the land of the dead. It is surrounded by a dark river in which the souls must bathe to eradicate all memories of their previous live. The spirits of deceased infants will meet a many-breasted giantess who will suckle them before they enter Gimokodan.

The land consists of two areas: the Red Region is reserved for the heroes who died in battle, while the White Region is for ordinary people. They will rest in daytime and wander about at night. When daylight returns, each spirit makes a dish from leaves; the spirit then turns into a liquid to await in the dish the coming of darkness.



  • Coleman, J. A. (1997). The Dictionary of Mythology. London: Arcturus Publishing Limited.
  • Cotterell, Arthur. (1979). Dictionary of World Mythology. New York: Peridee/Putnam.
  • Knappert, Jan. (1992). Pacific Mythology. London: The Aquarian Press.