
In the folklore of West Flanders, Alvina was the beautiful daughter of a king. Her parents did not approve of her marriage and cursed her to wander about for all eternity.

An old ballad goes:

Ik voel dat ik moet gaan
Vliegen in de winden
Zoo lang de wereld staet,
En nooit geen troost meer vinden.
Adieu Kinders, lieve vruchten!
Adieu Man, die de oorzaek zijt!
Onmoeden moet voor eeuwig zuchten!
I feel that I must go
Flying in the winds
As long as the world stands,
And never more comfort find.
Adieu children, dear fruits!
Adieu husband, who art the cause!
Despondent must forever sigh!"

It was said in West Flanders that when the wind loudly howls and whistles, Alvina weeps.



  • Thorpe, Benjamin. (1852). Northern Mythology, Vol. 3. London: Edward Lumley, p. 268.