
Chthonius has the same meaning as Chthonia, and is therefore applied to the gods of the lower world, or the shades,1 and to beings that are considered as earth-born.2 It is also used in the sense of "gods of the land," or "native divinities."3

There are also several mythical personages of the name of Chthonius.4



  1. Homer. Iliad ix, 457; Hesiod. Works and Days, 435; Orphic. Hymns 17.3, 69.2; Argonautica, 973.
  2. Pseudo-Apollodorus. The Library iii, 4.1; Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica iv, 1398.
  3. Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica iv, 1322.
  4. Pseudo-Apollodorus. The Library ii, 1.5; iii, 4.1, 5; Ovid. Metamorphoses xii, 441; Diodorus Siculus, v, 53; Pausanias. Description of Greece ix, 5; Hyginus. Fabulae, 178.


  • Smith, William. (1870). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. London: Taylor, Walton, and Maberly.

This article incorporates text from Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) by William Smith, which is in the public domain.