Greek mythology
- Gaea
- Gaeëochus
- Galatea ¤
- Galaxaura
- Galaxius
- Galene
- Gamelia
- Gamelii
- Gamelius
- Gegenes
- Genesius
- Genetaeus
- Genethlius »
- Genetullides »
- Genetyllis
- Gennaides »
- Geras
- Geron
- Geryon
- Gigante
- Gigantomachy
- Glauce
- Glauce (3)
- Glauconome
- Glaucopis
- Goddess of the Sea
- Gods of the Winds
- Gorgo
- Gorgon
- Gorgopis
- Gorgyra
- Gortynius
- Graeae
- Granicus
- Gration
- Gryneus
- Gryneus (2)
- Grypes
- Gygaea
- Gyges
- Gymnasia
- Gynaecothoenas