
"Furious." A surname of Demeter. When Demeter was wandering in search of her daughter, she was followed, it is said, by Poseidon, who lusted after her. She turned herself into a mare, and grazed with the mares of Oncius; realizing that he was outwitted, Poseidon too changed into a stallion and enjoyed Demeter. The goddess was angry at what happened, and obtained the surname Fury because of her avenging anger, for the Arcadians call being wrathful "being furious."

Demeter later gave birth to the fabulous horse Arion.

In the sanctuary of Demeter in Onceium stood a nine-foot statue of Fury, holding a chest, and in her right hand a torch. See also Demeter Lusia.



  • Pausanias. Description of Greece viii, 25.5-7.