
Iapis was a son of Iasus, and a favorite of Apollo, who wanted to confer upon him the gift of prophecy, the lyre, etc.; but Iapis, wishing to prolong the life of his father, preferred the more tranquil art of healing to all the others. He cured Aeneas of the wound he had received in the war against Latinus.


A Pompeian fresco in the Casa del Sirico shows a warrior with a wound in his thigh, tended by an elder man. It is generally assumed that it portrays Aeneas with Iapis.



  • Aken, Dr. A.R.A. van. (1961). Elseviers Mythologische Encyclopedie. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Smith, William. (1870). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. London: Taylor, Walton, and Maberly.
  • Virgil. Aeneid xii, 391, with Heyne's Exeursus iv, on Aeneid xii.

This article incorporates text from Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) by William Smith, which is in the public domain.