
The father of Sól and Máni, the sun and the moon. He is attested in the eddic poem Vafþrúðnismál:

Mundilfœri hight he,
who the moon's father is,
and eke the sun's:
round heaven journey
each day they must,
to count years for men.

Snorri Sturluson tells a somewhat different story in Gylfaginning. Here, a certain man named Mundilfari had two children who were so fair and comely that he called his son Moon and his daughter Sun, and wedded her to a man called Glenr. The gods were incensed that Mundilfari had given his children such imposing names, so they took the siblings and set them up in the heavens, to control the heavenly bodies they had created. Sól drives the horses that pull the chariot of the sun, and Mani steers the course of the moon and determines its waxing and waning.

A kenning for the sun is Daughter of Mundilfari.



  • Gylfaginning, 11.
  • Skáldskaparmál, 26.
  • Vafþrúðnismál, 23.