
A legendary Philippine princess of the late fourteenth century who refused to marry any man who was not a warrior, or who could not defeat her in a duel. Her army contained women who fought like men, and also her ministers were women.

Urduja is mentioned by the Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta as the ruler of Kaylukari in the land of Tawalisi, but the country and its location have never been satisfactory identified and are generally regarded fictitious.1



  1. Scott, William Henry. (1989). Prehispanic Source Materials for the Study of Philippine History. Quezon City: New Day Publishers, p. 83.


  • Locke, L.; Vaughan, T. A.; Greenhill, P. (2009). Encyclopedia of women's folklore and folklife. Westport: Greekwood Press, p. 572 ff.
  • Waines, David. (2010). The Odyssey of Ibn Battuta: Uncommon Tales of a Medieval Adventurer. London: I.B.Taurus & Co., Ltd., p. 192.