Blue Men

In the North Hebrides it was said that fallen angels were driven out of Paradise in three divisions. One group became the fairies of the land (see sìth), one the Blue Men of the sea, and the third the Nimble Men (Fir Chlis) or Merry Dancers of the sky. As to these fallen angels, their sin was not so great as those who were cast into the bottomless pit

The Blue Men were found in the strait between Long Island and Shiant Isles, which is called Sruth nam Fear Gorm, "the Stream of the Blue Men." They were, as the name suggests, blue in color, with a long grey face, and floated from the waist out of the water. People had nothing to fear from them if they could have the last word, and rhymes confused them. They had to power of conjuring up storms but when they were asleep the weather would be calm.

In Argyll the Blue Men are unknown.



  • Campbell, J.G. (1900). Superstitions of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Glascow: James MacLehose and Sons, pp. 199-200.