British folklore
- gabbleratches
- Gaborchend
- Gabriel's Hounds
- gaishon
- gallitrap
- gally-trot
- gan ceann
- gancanagh
- Gapper-ginny
- Garlin Bodacher
- garthornes
- Gaubertie-shells
- Gentle Annis
- Geodruisge
- Ghost of Caister Castle
- Ghost of Great Melton
- Ghost of Great Melton Beech
- Ghost of Judge Jeffreys
- Ghost of Lady Ann Boleyn
- Ghost of Lady Howard
- Ghost of Little Melton Lane
- Ghost of Littledean Tower
- Ghost of Lord Dacre
- Ghost of Sir Josceline Percy
- Ghost of Sir Thomas Boleyn
- Ghost of Sir Walter
- Ghost of Spedlin's Tower
- Gigelorum
- Gille Dubh
- glaisein
- glaisrig
- glaistig
- Glaistig of Ardnadrochit
- Glaistig of Baugh
- Glaistig of Boachaoil
- Glaistig of Breachacha
- Glaistig of Craignish
- Glaistig of Dunollie
- Glaistig of Erray
- Glaistig of Fernach
- Glaistig of Garlios
- Glaistig of Glen Duror
- Glaistig of Hianish
- Glaistig of Iona
- Glaistig of Lianachan
- Glaistig of Sleat
- Glaistig of Sron-Charmaig
- Glaistig of Strathglass
- Glaistig of Strontian
- Glaistig of Ulva
- glashan
- glashtin
- Yn goayr heddagh
- Goggie
- Gormla Mòr
- Gorm-sùil
- Gout Well
- grapus
- Grassi
- Grindylow
- Gripe Stone
- grogan
- gruagach
- Gruagach of Island House
- grumfie
- Gunna
- gunnie
- Gwalad y Tylweth Teg
- gwartheg y llyn
- gwarwyn a throt
- gwiddon
- Gwrach y Rhibyn
- gwragedd annwn
- gwyllion
- gytrash