
"Great son of heaven." The son of Rangi and Hekeheke-i-papa. He is the father of Haumia-tikitiki, the god of the fern root, Manu-ika (bird-fish), Manu-nui-a-ka-hoe (power or shelter of the rowers), Hua-waiwai (pulpy fruit), Tahito-kuru (ancient blow), Kohu-rere (flying mist), Te-ao-hiawe (gloom day), Haere (go, proceed), Ue-nuku-pokaia (encircle the trembling earth), Ue-nuku-horea (bald trembling earth), Rangi-whitikina (heaven encircled with a belt), Te Pu-ki-tonga (fountain or origin at the south), and so on to the generation of men now living.



  • White, John. (1887). Ancient History of the Maori. 6 vols. Wellington: G. Didsbury, Government Printer, p. 19.