
"Daughter of the sea-coast." A woman who lived in pre-diluvian times. She was the wife of Ra-kurū, who stole her brother's fishhook. After his theft was found out, Ra-kurū was ashamed and left to commit suicide. Hine-i-taitai found him when he was near death, and asked him for the fishhook and obtained it. She put it into her mouth, and went two days on the sea of Wai-rapua (the sought water), and was seen by Kumi-kumi-maro, who took her as his wife. They lived by faith. They had neither garments, nor food, nor house, nor water; but they prayed to their deity to give them those things. Their deity gave them what they asked, and built a house for them. Hine-i-taitai conceived and brought forth a son, who was called Tau-tini. He was the man whose knowledge of god was the most perfect.



  • Tregear, Edward. (1891). Maori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary. Wellington: Government Printer, p. 71.
  • White, John. (1887). Ancient History of the Maori. 6 vols. Wellington: G. Didsbury, Government Printer, p. 1:171.

This article incorporates text from Ancient History of the Maori (1887) by John White, which is in the public domain.