
"Boxing day." A personage of pre-diluvian times. He it was who first committed theft, by stealing the fishing-hook belonging to Tari. The wood of which the hook was made was dedicated to God. Ra-kurū saw that the hook always caught fish, and therefore stole it. Tari was grieved at his loss, because the hook had the power of God on it. Tari called an assembly of all the aged men of the Tribe of Rei-hi (chest held forward), and inquired of them where his hook was. They were not able to inform him. Tari prayed to God that the thief might be discovered, and then the people saw the hook exposed in the scrotum of Ra-kurū. Tari called to the assembly, and said, ''Friends, we have seen the matter revealed, and Ra-kurū has my fishing-hook."

Ra-kurū was ashamed, and went to commit suicide. Tari said to his sister, Hine-i-taitai, ''Go and counsel your husband; and if he confess and show where the fish-hook is, I will forgive him, and so evil will be averted from you all." Ra-kurū was in the act of committing suicide, and, when nearly dead, she said to him, "O friend! have you the fishing-hook of your brother-in-law?" "Yes," he said; ''here it is with me." She asked for and obtained it. She put the fish-hook into her mouth, and went two days on the sea of Wai-rapua (the sought water), and was seen by Kumi-kumi-maro, who took her as his wife.

Tari eventually received his precious fish-hook via Hine-i-taitai's son Tau-tini.



  • White, John. (1887). Ancient History of the Maori. 6 vols. Wellington: G. Didsbury, Government Printer, pp. 1:170-171.