
A chief on board of the Ririno canoe. He had an altercation with Turi as to the course to be steered by the Ririno and the Aotea after they had landed on the island of Rangitahua to refit their canoes. Turi persisted in wishing to pursue an easterly course, while Potoru wanted to proceed to the west. Turi eventually gave in and so they embarked and left Rangitahua and sailed on a westerly course.

After they had pursued this course for some time, the Ririno was lost upon on a reef, which they named Taputapuātea, being swept away by a strong current and dashed to pieces: hence the proverb "You are as obstinate as Potoru, who persisted in rushing on to his own destruction." When the Ririno had thus been lost, Turi turned around and sailed eastward.



  • Grey, Sir George. (1922). Polynesian Mythology. Londen: George Routledge & Sons, p. 159.