Arthur's battles

The locations of Arthur's twelve battles according to the Welsh historian Nennius.

  1. At the mouth of the River Glein;
  2. On the River Douglas in the region of Linnuis (1);
  3. On the River Douglas in the region of Linnuis (2);
  4. On the River Douglas in the region of Linnuis (3);
  5. On the River Douglas in the region of Linnuis (4);
  6. On the River Bassas;
  7. In the Caledonian Wood;
  8. In the Guinnion fort;
  9. In the City of the Legion;
  10. On the River Tribruit;
  11. On the hill of Agned;
  12. On the hill of Badon.

The location of final battle, were Arthur is mortally wounded, is mentioned in the Annales Cambriae as Camlann (see also Camel).